
Can High Schools Have Security Cameras California

As surveillance cameras become fifty-fifty more ubiquitous in schools, savvy administrators demand to be aware of not only the apace evolving technology, just also the evolving legal mural.  According to the National Heart for Education Statistics, more than 80 pct of public schools—and more 94 per centum of high schools—in the U.S. used security cameras to monitor students during the 2015-2016 schoolhouse year, nearly doubling the number of schools using cameras a decade before.  While surveillance cameras accept become one of the cornerstones of school safe and security plans, they also raise legal issues that can get out administrators in a quandary.

Noesis of some of the bones legal principles is vital for administrators when navigating the tension between student and employee privacy interests, security interests, and the public's interests in transparency.  This cognition also equips administrators to place the particularly sticky situations where information technology is prudent to consult with legal counsel. For case: Tin can a zoom lens on a surveillance camera be used to evaluate whether a educatee possesses contraband?  Is it appropriate to disclose surveillance footage to parents of a student injured in a fight? Should footage be disclosed in response to media and other public inquiries? Are at that place special concerns about allowing law enforcement "live feed" admission? This commodity provides a brief overview of the guiding legal principles, pitfalls to avoid and practical considerations.

Guiding legal principles

Fourth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution .The Fourth Amendment prohibits governmental entities, such as public schools, from conducting unreasonable searches.  Courts that take considered whether surveillance recordings violate the Fourth Amendment take scrutinized the scope and manner of the recording.  When video surveillance recordings are made in locations where individuals have a low expectation of privacy—such every bit when they are in public places and are their movements and actions are in "plain view"—courts take rejected claims that such recordings are unconstitutional searches.  On the other hand, recordings made in locations where individuals accept a college expectation of privacy—such as in bathrooms and locker rooms—are more likely to be an unconstitutional invasion of privacy. Thus, courts have generally upheld video surveillance recordings in school hallways, stairwells, school buses, schoolhouse parking lots, and fifty-fifty classrooms.   The use of telescopic lenses and other enhancements to acquire data that may not be immediately credible to the human being eye creates some uncertainty for schoolhouse administrators as there has been little litigation on this specific upshot. In evaluating an individual's expectation of privacy, courts regularly consider whether and how detect of the recording was provided.  Thus, schoolhouse districts should notify the school customs—through policy, statements in handbooks, and signage—that cameras are located throughout school belongings and individuals should anticipate having their images captured.

The Electronic Communications Privacy Human action and state wiretapping laws . While courts accept plant video surveillance recordings to be constitutionally permissible where an individual has low or no involvement of privacy, the use of audio surveillance recordings raises other legal problems and potentially creates criminal liability for unwary administrators.  The federal Electronic Communications Privacy Human action of 1986 prohibits the intentional interception of whatsoever oral communication, except where one political party to the conversation has consented to the recording. This exception is known as the "i-party consent" dominion. While most states take adopted the "one-political party consent" rule, several states accept adopted a "2-party consent" rule.  In these states, all parties to a conversation must consent to the recording to avoid criminal liability. Districts considering audio surveillance may attempt to mitigate risk past posting conspicuous signage to notify individuals that conversations may be recorded, and that consent to such recording is unsaid. However, schoolhouse administrators should proceed cautiously when considering sound surveillance and consult with legal counsel.

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Human action . FERPA requires schools receiving federal funding to preserve the confidentiality of student education records and the personally identifiable information therein.  FERPA besides provides parents and eligible students the correct to admission education records. Images of students captured on surveillance recordings qualify as instruction records when photograph or video is "directly related to a student" and "maintained by the educational institution" (or an entity acting for the schoolhouse). Whether a recording is "directly related to a student" is a context-specific determination because the post-obit factors:

  • whether the recording is used for disciplinary activeness involving the pupil (including a victim);
  • whether the recording depicts an activity that would reasonably result in the employ of disciplinary activity, shows a educatee violating the law, or shows a pupil getting injured, attacked, victimized, ill or having a wellness emergency;
  • whether the schoolhouse intends to make a specific student the focus of the recording (e.g., for ID photos); or
  • whether the content contains personally identifiable information from a student'southward education record.

A recording will not be considered "directly related to a student" when a student'southward prototype is simply incidental to the activity depicted in the recording (e.g., window dressing or background) or when a student is shown participating in school activities open up to the public and the recording does not focus on any specific focus student.  Moreover, surveillance recordings that are created and maintained past a schoolhouse's police enforcement unit are non education records and, therefore, not confidential. If, however, those recordings are provided to then maintained past the school, they become education records.

Open Records Laws .All states have adopted laws providing individuals access to public records. While the latitude of access provided by these laws varies from state to state, many states have defined public records broadly to encompass video images.  Thus, school surveillance recordings are often the subject of public records requests by the media, denizen groups, or other third parties.

Parent access to surveillance recordings

School districts commonly receive requests from parents to view surveillance recordings capturing images of their kid.  When a surveillance recording qualifies as an education tape—that is when it is "straight related to a student" and is "maintained by the educational institution"—it must exist disclosed to the parents of the students for whom it is an teaching record.  This is true even when the recording is an education tape for more than one student. In that example—for instance, when surveillance footage captures several students engaging in a fight on a school bus—schools are required, co-ordinate to 2018 guidance from the Family Policy Compliance Office (which is the division of the U.Due south. Section of Education charged with administering FERPA), to redact or segregate the portions of the recording directly related to other students prior to providing access, if it is reasonable to practise so without destroying the pregnant of the recording.  If such redaction or segregation is impossible, then the parents of each student to whom the recording directly relates have the right to access the entire record even though it direct relates to other students. While FERPA does not generally require schools to provide copies of instruction records, it does not violate FERPA to provide copies. Schools may accuse parents for copies (except where such fee may effectively prevent a parent from exercising the correct to inspect and review records), but may not accuse for costs associated with retrieval, redaction or segregation.

Police force enforcement access to recordings

School districts also frequently receive requests from law enforcement to access surveillance recordings that capture student misconduct.  Unless the recording is created and maintained by a schoolhouse's law enforcement unit (and, therefore, does not authorize as a FERPA-protected tape), schools are prohibited from disclosing such recordings without having kickoff secured written consent from the parents of the students to whom the recording directly relates.  While there are some exceptions to this prohibition, such as for a health or safety emergency or in response to a courtroom order or amendment, those exceptions are specifically described in FERPA and mostly narrow. Whether assuasive police enforcement to access a "live feed" of a surveillance photographic camera violates FERPA creates additional quandaries for school officials.  Arguably, if the "live feed" is not "maintained by" the school, the feed will not qualify every bit an education record, but this position remains somewhat of an open question and could be context specific depending on whatever delays in transmission. One possible solution may be to allow "live feeds" only during health or prophylactic emergencies. Thus, as schools are working closer than ever with local law enforcement to address schoolhouse security, it is important for school officials to involve legal counsel in these conversations and use these collaborations as an opportunity to clarify expectations regarding data and record sharing.

Third party access to recordings

In addition to fielding requests for surveillance recordings from parents and constabulary enforcement, school districts also often receive requests pursuant to state open records laws from the media, citizen groups, and other third parties.  Typically, recordings that qualify equally FERPA-protected education records are excepted from the disclosure requirements of open up records laws. Nevertheless, some states may crave disclosure of the portions of the recording that are not FERPA-protected.  Whether a recording must be disclosed depends on a variety of factors, including: state specific exemptions and definitions, whether the recording contains images of students at all (images of employees only volition generally not implicate FERPA), whether the record was created and maintained by a school's police enforcement unit, whether the recording is "directly related to a pupil" under FERPA, whether the recording is "maintained by" the schoolhouse, whether a schoolhouse district possesses applied science to obscure images and information that is FERPA-protected, and whether the school reasonably believes the requestor knows the identity of the pupil to whom the recording relates and, therefore, redaction would be useless.

Bottom line

While advances in technology have fabricated surveillance cameras an even more important part of school security, school administrators should consider taking the following steps to help keep step with the ever-evolving legal landscape:

  • developing and publishing policies describing the purpose of surveillance cameras and the parameters for employ;
  • installing cameras just in areas where individuals have a low expectation of privacy;
  • notifying the schoolhouse community of the utilise of surveillance cameras via policies, handbooks, websites, newsletters, and conspicuous signage;
  • consult with legal counsel prior to enabling sound recording;
  • establish protocols for maintaining equipment and retaining recordings and utilise them consistently;
  • consult the Family Policy Compliance Function's 2018 FAQs on Photos and Videos Nether FERPA, bachelor at, when evaluating requests for admission from parents, constabulary enforcement, media and other third parties; and
  • develop protocols governing requests for disclosure, including the handling of requests for copies.

Amy Steketee Fox is a quondam public educator who practices schoolhouse and employment law at Church Church building Hittle + Antrim in Fort Wayne, Indiana.

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