Afghan Girl & the Nikon FM2

One of the most well-known photos of our fourth dimension is that of the 'Afghan Girl'. Taken by photographer Steve McCurry while on consignment for National Geographic in Islamic republic of pakistan in 1984.

Afghan Girl 1984

McCurry captured the paradigm with Kodachrome 64 slide 35mm film on a Nikon FM2 Nikkor 105mm Ai-South f/2.five lens. Though, there has been some who merits to have knowledge of the lens used being a180mm.

Afghan Girl Nikon Cameraplex

Afghan Girl Nikon Cameraplex

Roofing the Soviet occupation of Transitional islamic state of afghanistan (1979-1989) in Pakistan, McCurry was photographing children at an all girls schoolhouse within a refugee camp. One extraordinary girl with blue-light-green-grey eyes caught his attention. Attempting to go a portrait with her gazing straight into the camera he captured 4 or 5 images.



After her teacher explained that it was important for the globe to understand and see life inside the refugee camp, the girl revealed her face. McCurry snapped two more shots, looked downwardly to check his photographic camera settings, looked up and she was gone.

Steve McCurry Nikon FM2 Nikkor 105mm Afgan Girl Cameraplex

Steve McCurry Nikon FM2 Nikkor 105mm Afgan Girl Cameraplex

After the roll was completed McCurry shipped the coil of Kodachrome off to Washington and continued his consignment. Two or iii months later he finally saw the images for the starting time time.

"I didn't know that information technology would somewhen be a picture which be recognized around the world, I did know that there was a power and that in that location was something completely special and unusual and boggling about this expect." - Steve McCurry

 "Lets Not Show it to the Editor"

The first time the photo editor saw the prototype on the light tabular array he thought the movie was also agonizing to exist on the encompass of the magazine.. "Let'due south not show it to the editor." he told McCurry. The photo editor prefered the image with the girls hands over her face.

Knowing he had something special, McCurry and the photograph editor came to a compromise that they would show both photos to the editor.

Scan via

Scan via

Who is the Afghan Daughter?

At the time of publication the immature girls identity was unknown. McCurry made several attempts over the years to locate her. In 2002 National Geographic brought McCurry and a film crew to Pakistan to search once again. With many imitation leads of women challenge to be her and men claiming to be her husband, somewhen they got lucky.

A man claimed he lived with her as a child, and she now lived in Transitional islamic state of afghanistan in the mountains near Tora Bora. He said he would go to go her, and 3 days after he returned.

17 years after McCurry finally met Sharbat Gula, the Afghan Girl.On the day they reunited he showed her the image from 1984 which was the first fourth dimension she had seen information technology. Then for the second time in her life, her portrait was taken once again.

Sharbat Gula Cameraplex

Sharbat Gula Cameraplex

Nikon FM2 & Nikkor 105mm f/2.5

Nikon FM2. Copyright © 2015 Cameraplex

Nikon FM2. Copyright © 2015 Cameraplex

Nikkor 105mm f28 Lens Cameraplex

Nikkor 105mm f28 Lens Cameraplex