"ten-twenty-four hour period hard cease on G6 sensors." – love, Dexcom

Did that ane thing alone stop you from considering the G6?  Well, skilful news…you lot tin actually restart the sensors (and the transmitter).

In that location are several means to restart a G6 sensor, listed below from easiest to hardest. (Technically, Options 1 and 2 are so much easier than other options…that it's virtually not worth doing the others)

  1. Use the G6 receiver to restart
  2. Use the telephone to restart (without receiver)
  3. Use the resetTransmitter app
  4. Remove the transmitter from the sensor

UPDATE:  It used to be that I idea that you lot could not restart a sensor if it had expired, without using Option three or iv…turns out this is not true!  If you accidentally did not remember to start and cease Options 1 or 2 before your sensor session expired, don't fret.  I have used Choice 1 to restart an ended sensor (basically but start on Step iv of Option 1, simply y'all don't need to await for a new BG to come in…because the session has expired).  I haven't personally tested how Option 2 would piece of work in that situation, but it should work just the same.

Nevertheless, do not stop upward in limbo…don't outset a restart process an hour before a session ends.  Either starting time/finish Pick 1 or 2 far enough in advance that you can consummate the restart entirely…or await until the session has ended and then begin a restart.  The in-between process doesn't work well, so pick a version and follow-through.

Selection i: Utilise G6 receiver

This is the easiest and preferred method considering y'all don't take to lose BG data during the restart process.  You can just go on looping (if you are a looper) and watching BG data on your phone, Nightscout, and Follow apps the whole time.

To use this process, you lot do NOT accept to be using a receiver on a regular basis.  We only pull the receiver out in order to do the restarts.  Normally, it sits in the closet, turned off, betwixt session restarts.  I think of the receiver as a magic restart wand that nosotros pull out of the closet every so oft.

We starting time and cease this whole procedure earlier the session is due to elapse…so about three hours before the end of session, or sooner, we kickoff the receiver going on the steps below.

  1. In your Alerts settings for the receiver, information technology's a good idea to plough off the "indicate loss" alert during this process.  Your receiver is going to accept bespeak loss for two hours and it would exist abrasive to hear that alert for the whole fourth dimension.  Just a adept idea before yous become started.
  2. If y'all don't normally use the receiver, get ahead and turn information technology on.  Go the receiver continued with the transmitter.  Shortly after (about 5 minutes) the receiver connects, the receiver will start reading BGs from the existing session already going on the phone.
  3. Lookout man the receiver get a fresh BG value.  Usually this happens just seconds after the phone app gets a new BG.  During this process, the transmitter and receiver briefly talk and so disconnect from each other for the next five minutes.  Nosotros are going to utilize that asunder state to our reward to restart the sensor.
  4. Wait nigh 15 seconds or so afterwards the new BG value came in and so press the "Stop Sensor" option ON THE RECEIVER (not on the phone).  Yous'll exist told "Are you certain you want to stop your sensor?  Information technology cannot exist restarted, a new sensor is required."  Answer Yes.  You'll see a little progress bar go by for stopping sensor.
  5. On the screen that appears later the progress bar, press New Sensor.  You'll be promoted to choose between "No Lawmaking" or "Enter Lawmaking".  You tin can choose either.  If yous cull to "Enter Lawmaking", go find your code from when you originally inserted the sensor (the one printed on the adhesive comprehend of the sensor).  Contrary to early on rumors, not all the sensors in a box accept the same code. That lawmaking is the calibration lawmaking for the particular sensor wire that sensor is using.  If you don't take that code saved, go alee and choose "No Lawmaking" (don't just randomly use the code from a different sensor in your supplies).
  6. Later you finish with the Code entry decisions, y'all'll need to press the "Start Sensor" button that will appear on the receiver.  Y'all'll see a "starting sensor" progress bar for a few seconds and so the 2-hour sensor warmup countdown circle will be displayed on the receiver.
  7. From this point forward for at to the lowest degree two hours…you need the receiver to NOT COME INTO Advice WITH THE TRANSMITTER.  In that location are several ways to do this, some ideas:
    • Put the receiver in the microwave.  The microwave blocks the communications between the receiver and the transmitter very finer, just make sure you lot don't turn on the microwave during the ii+ hours you're waiting, or
    • Put the receiver in a faraday purse (costs less than $10 and information technology tin can act just like the microwave, but a lot more portable and easy to manage), or
    • Put the receiver "far enough abroad" that it stays out of range of the transmitter.  Neighbour's house, the corner of your backyard, etc.  Just so long as it is far plenty away that the transmitter and receiver won't accidentally talk to each other during the 2+ hours of waiting.  This is the second nigh common failure indicate for people trying to restart…they practise not fairly go on the receiver from communicating with the transmitter during this 2 hour wait.I highly recommend using a microwave or a faraday bag for this option to prevent accidental communication.
  8. During this ii+ hours of waiting, the receiver will have "bespeak loss" and "no data" message.  That's a expert matter.  Don't worry nearly that. You want that.
    • Also during this 2+ hours of waiting, you'll accept BGs on the phone app uninterrupted.  Your Nightscout site, dexcom follow app, dexcom G6 app, and Loop app (if you utilise it) will all continue to work as usual.
  9. Afterward waiting 2+ hours at least (I usually go at least 2 hours and 10 minutes just in case), bring the receiver back into communications with the transmitter.  Within 5 minutes, the "no data" bulletin will be replaced with a warmup message when the receiver volition connect with the transmitter again.  The warmup circle looks like a three/4 completed warmup circle, but don't worry, it just has five minutes until you're session is ready to offset again.
  10. 5 minutes after the warmup circle appears, the receiver and phone will starting time showing BGs once more for the newly restarted session (or the "enter 2 calibrations" request if yous chose a "no code" session or used a reset transmitter).
  11. If required, enter the calibrations in both the phone and receiver at the same fourth dimension.  If your session did not require immediate calibrations to showtime the session, it is still non a bad idea to bank check and make certain you've restarted BGs at a reasonable value.
  12. Congrats, you've just restarted your G6 sensor session.  Your newly started session will expire ten days from the fourth dimension that you did Pace 5, then program ahead if yous are going to do any subsequent restarts.

Here's the video for the G6 Option 1

Option ii: No-receiver restart

For non-U.s.a. residents, sometimes you can buy the G6 system without the receiver.  So while you tin can still restart the sensor session without it, the disadvantage (vs. using Option 1) is that you will not see BGs for ii hours during the restart process.

This process can be a trivial more decumbent to errors if using an android phone…some android phones reconnect with BT devices pretty aggressively I've heard.

Call back to start this procedure far enough in advance that you lot will cease it before the "Sensor Expires" time.

SIDE NOTE:  I take heard from several t-slim users that this method does indeed work to restart the G6 for those users.

  1. In telephone'due south bluetooth list (in iPhone Settings), "forget" the Dexcom transmitter ID.  In fact, "forget" all your erstwhile Dexcom transmitters if you don't regularly delete them.  Old ones don't need to be saved.  By forgetting the Dexcom transmitter, nosotros are preventing the transmitter and app communications during the restart process…and that's a practiced thing.  We don't want them paired during the 2 hours.
  2. Go to G6 app on the phone and "cease sensor" from the Settings card. You'll be told "Are you lot sure you lot want to stop your sensor?  It cannot be restarted, a new sensor is required."  Answer Yes.
  3. On the screen that appears after, press "New Sensor".  You'll exist promoted to choose between "No Code" or "Enter Code".  You tin choose either.  If you choose to "Enter Code", go observe your code from when yous originally inserted the sensor (the one printed on the adhesive encompass of the sensor).  That code is the calibration code for the particular sensor wire that sensor is using.  If you don't have that code saved, go ahead and choose "No Code" (don't just randomly apply the lawmaking from a different sensor in your supplies).
  4. After y'all finish with the Code entry decisions, you'll need to press the "First Sensor" button that volition waiting on the app'southward main screen.  You'll see a "starting sensor" progress bar for a few seconds and and then the two-hour sensor warmup countdown circle will exist displayed on the phone.
  5. Wait at least two hours, merely not and then long that the old sensor session volition expire during your wait.  If the old session expires before you lot finish the remaining steps…you'll have to move onto Option 3 or 4 (or replace the sensor).
  6. Your G6 app will also display "indicate loss" during this time.  That's adept, besides.  You lot want the transmitter to stay unpaired and "lost" during the warmup wait.
  7. After the two 60 minutes look, restart the phone (concur down the power push and slide to plow off the phone).  Open G6 app. This will trigger the phone to endeavor to re-pair with transmitter.  Accept the pairing asking now that you've waited at to the lowest degree 2 hours.  If you don't become a pairing request within 5 minutes of the restart, yous may demand to restart the phone one more time.
  8. About 5 minutes afterward accepting the pairing request, you'll be greeted with BGs again for the newly restarted session (or the "enter ii calibrations" request if you chose a "no code" session or employ a reset transmitter).  If prompted, enter the calibrations and you're practiced to go.

Option 3: Reset Transmitter

This choice resets the twenty-four hour period-counter that the transmitter holds internally.  You know how the dexcom transmitter stops working at 112 days?  Well, this process resets that counter to zero and in the process will allow you to kickoff a new session.  HOWEVER, it is a procedure to unpair-pair-unpair-pair the transmitter several times and then, I'd recommend all the same using Pick 1 or 2 above for regular sensor restarts.  Come back to these directions when you simply need to extend that 112 days.  Since it does piece of work to allow a sensor restart…I'll leave information technology here for the purposes of complete word of alternatives.

  1. Build the ResetTransmitter app as described in my web log post hither.
  2. Brand sure your G6 session has ended.  You cannot be in an active session for a transmitter reset.
  3. Go to your iPhone's Bluetooth surface area (in Settings) and "forget" the Dexcom transmitter.
  4. Delete the Dexcom G6 app.
  5. Shutdown and restart your iPhone.
  6. Open the ResetTransmitter app and enter your dexcom transmitter ID and printing the Reset button.  Within 5 minutes you lot should become a pairing request to accept.  The reset success message will appear within a very short fourth dimension later the pairing is accustomed.
  7. IF you don't get a pairing asking within 5 minutes in Stride half-dozen, restart the phone again.  Double check all the dexcom transmitters have been deleted from the bluetooth list on the phone.  Open up the ResetTransmitter app again and encounter if you lot get a pairing request within five minutes.  (The toughest part of this process is getting the transmitter to successfully unpair and re-pair between apps.  Sometimes information technology takes a few restarts and patience…but it does work eventually.)
  8. Later the transmitter has been reset, you tin can contrary the process.  Forget the Dexcom transmitter again from Bluetooth list, restart the phone.  Reinstall the G6 app and go through the setup screens equally if you lot were starting a new sensor. Once you lot go a successful pairing established, y'all can printing the start session on your app.

Option 4: Remove the transmitter

The G6 transmitter is surrounded by plastic entirely.  The locking wings for the transmitter are located under and inside the plastic ring surrounding the transmitter, making them very inaccessible by fingers.  Therefore, popping out the G6 transmitter is a fleck cumbersome, requires some modest pointy tool, and frankly would be a piddling difficult to do if your sensor is in an awkward spot to reach.  I managed to do it with a simple tool by myself with the sensor on my arm (see video below), and so information technology's non impossible.

Technically, if you lot remove the transmitter, y'all tin can supersede it back onto the same sensor (and tape information technology back downwards so it stays locked in place, if you've busted the hinge betoken in the procedure of removing the transmitter).  This would allow y'all to restart a sensor session on the aforementioned sensor.  I've heard from others that leaving it out for xv minutes helps restarts…just I have not experienced the same.

I'chiliad but mentioning this option for full disclosure of ALL the options…simply really this shouldn't be used.  It's so much easier to use ane of the showtime ii options.

Video of how to remove the transmitter:

Restarting G6 Transmitter (avoid the 90-112 days Dexcom close down)

The Dexcom G6 transmitter is only like the G5 transmitter in that Dexcom artificially kills the transmitter by 112 days of use after beginning activation.  If you'd like to use the transmitter beyond the 112 days, and instead use the transmitter until the cease of its bombardment life, you tin can use the same procedure described in my G5-reset-transmitter post.  The G6 transmitter can exist reset at whatsoever time just like the G5 transmitters.