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Annotation: This blog post is a slice of parody. I am not encouraging or palliating any of this behavior in real life. I am closing the comments as information technology seems people are taking this seriously and getting upset about other peoples' comments, and I actually don't want to exist starting a whole agglomeration of neighbor wars.

How to Get Your Neighbors to Move Away (by Lifewhack) #funny #parody #humor

Neighbors suck, correct? I've begun a listing of actions yous can implement to help you become neighbour-free in as little as 30 days. Depending on how aggressively you lot prefer these suggestions, you will be nude sunbathing in no time.

1. Create cryptic messages and drawings on your windows that face their firm. Think scenes of bunny sacrifice and quotes from The Notebook.

2. Bust exterior every time you see them come abode, merely to conversation for a while. Communicative communicative conversation conversation chat.

3. Hover over them when they are gardening, offer up advice virtually what you lot like and don't similar out in that location. So when they are asleep yous tin can but go right ahead and motility their plants effectually to your liking.

4. Laser pens. Use your imagination.

5. Foreign 'cooking' 'smells' wafted in their 'direction' with a super 'industrial' 'fan'.

6. Gear up up a little network of buckets and boxes in your dorsum yard for your wild animal friends. They will need cozy beds, lots of food and water, and easy access to your neighbors' thou- perhaps through a small pigsty cut open up in their privacy fence?

7. Place your kids' swing set as close every bit possible to their back deck. Cause we all know that when kids swing, they sing.

8. Drain their pool surreptitiously i nighttime and then they swoop in the next day and get a huge drawing lump with stars flying around it. HA! Likewise funny.

How to Get Your Neighbors to Move Away (by Lifewhack) #funny #parody #humor

Photo by elizabeth lies

9. Teach your many little dogs to bawl at your neighbors whenever they are outside.

10. Pee every 4′ forth the debate that separates you, to marker your territory, of course.

11. 7am lawn mowings, baby.

12. Painting your firm vivid-ass pinkish will go a long way to ensure that mayhap all of your neighbors volition movement abroad.

13. Become yourself a new baby and a pulsate ready at the aforementioned time for loud times ample.

fourteen. Install a dozen fake security cameras around the exterior of your firm, all pointing at your neighbor'south firm.

xv. Become your kids to blow dandelion puffs into your neighbour's grass. Then sign your neighbor up with several landscaping services to come out and give costless estimates on backyard care.

In a higher place all, be creative and have fun. And let me know what sorts of neat things you've done, or would like to do, to your neighbors.

Take you ever wanted to exist the person who names suburban neighborhoods and streets? Me too. Here are some of my ideas.

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