
Is Leica Still Repairing Digilux 2 Cameras?

British weekly photographic mag Amateur Photographer concluding month published a retrospective review of the Leica Digilux two. It has become, AP rightly says, a digital classic. And information technology isn't the only archetype in the Leica range.

The ground-breaking meaty Digilux 2, manufactured in cooperation with Panasonic, was the precursor of the current D-Lux serial. It combined a superb loftier-performance and fast Summilux lens combined with a and then-respectable 5MP 2/3 sensor.

Launched in 2003, it was a milestone camera for Leica, coming as it did some four years before the first G digital, the M8, and six years before the first full-frame Leica digital, the M9.

Showtime classic

The Digilux 2 was something of a triumph for Leica in its mean solar day. Information technology certainly looked like a Leica and is decidedly more handsome than its Panasonic LC1 sibling. And it is the first Leica digital that deserves the tag of classic.

I've been banging on about this for years. I believe that certain Leica cameras, assisted past the brand proper name perhaps, are candidates for collecting. In 2013 I owned a Digilux 2 for a time, mainly to write this brusque review. It was already ten years one-time but still had a faithful following. Foolishly, for no real reason, I sold it on and now wish I hadn't. But, as a candidate for nurturing as a collectable, the Digilux 2 is elevation of the list.

Received wisdom has it that no digital camera can exist a classic because electronics gradually clothing out and at that place is little repair prospect. While a film photographic camera is largely mechanical and can be repaired, as is the instance with nigh any Leica flick photographic camera from the early 1930s onwards, collectors are wary of the real possibility of ending up with an expensive paperweight when they consider buying an older digital.

The Digilux 2, though, is still loved and I know a couple of owners who keep 2, ane for spare parts in example the primary photographic camera needs a tweak or two. Old it may exist, but nothing tin be taken away from that wonderful Summilux lens.

Any one-time M

In that location is ever a heir-apparent for a used Leica digital, even after eighteen years as in the case of the Digilux ii. Any Chiliad digital is worth a punt, even the M8 which has the known problem of the so-called java staining on the rear screen. You can alive with information technology, although there are no stocks of replacement screens. But it'due south notwithstanding usable and, again, I know owners who swear by this 13-year-old design.

The M8 is unique among Thou digitals in not beingness full-frame; instead, it has an APS-H size sensor with a ingather factor of 1:1.33. It is thus larger than APS-C simply falls brusk of the one:1 total-frame size. As a consequence, the focal length of Chiliad lenses is nominally increased past one.33x. It's ane reason the fiddling 28mm Elmarit enjoyed a new lease of life in 2008 because it stood in for the popular 35mm focal length.

But the inflow of the full-frame M9 in September 2009 set the Leica world alight. For the first time, the archetype M rangefinder had been combined with a full-frame sensor. It became the last Grand to feature a CCD sensor, without live view, and many aficionados still merits that the CCD is the one to become for.

Monochrom demand

Merely from the M9 onwards, at that place is a set up market for the digital rangefinders which have retained their value much better than DSLRs from the same menstruation. Leica Monochroms, in particular, are sought later on, from the original 2012 version onwards.

But back to the topic of Leica classics. The Digilux 2 definitely fits the beak. Information technology'due south a fun photographic camera to utilize and, once you go your head effectually the small sensor and rather rudimentary electronic viewfinder, it is yet capable of producing proficient results. It'south no lite monster, of course, with its ISO 400 maximum, merely in the right weather this is still a great footling camera. It's a chunky lilliputian creature, though, and the depth volition stupor anyone used to a modern digital equivalent.

There are other contenders for digital classic. Macfilos has been irksome for years on the subject of the X1, Leica'southward first real attempt to produce a small, meaty camera with a fixed lens of 36mm. It preceded the more successful Fuji X100 serial of cameras, merely information technology has timeless entreatment and continues to produce images that can stun.

Yet all these desirable Leica models of yesteryear are likely to be eclipsed by the camera of the teens decade, the Q. When introduced in 2015, the Leica Q was seen as a scrap of a take chances. Following in the stock-still-lens footsteps of the APS-C X1 and X100, it introduced the full-frame sensor only widened the focal length of its merely competitor, the Sony RX1, to 28mm. Many people thought that was a widening also far, and condemned the camera out of manus because of this. They didn't realise, though, that thanks to the smartphone, 28mm was well-nigh to become the new become-to focal length.

Much to the surprise of everyone, including Leica I imagine, the Q has turned out to exist a blockbuster. It is the most successful digital camera the company has ever produced. With its derivative Q-P, Q2 and Q2M models, the Q brand is now firmly established. I love my Q2 and, although I ain a digital M trunk, I seldom at present use it for any focal length nether 50mm. The Q is just then handy to pick up and behave for the day. It never fails to print with the quality of its output.

At that place is another reason why this camera will become a classic—price. Currently, a new Leica Q costs under £4,400 in the United kingdom of great britain and northern ireland. That'south a chunk of dosh, of grade, simply it is Leica dosh which exists in a parallel universe to other dosh. However, when yous compare it with the £12,000 y'all would demand to spend on an M10-R and 28mm Summilux, it begins to make sense.

The Q2 is cheaper than the M lens, never mind the camera. I know you could fence that the 28mm Summilux-M is a improve lens. It is. And it is faster, at f/1.4, than the Q2'south f/i.7. Simply information technology ought to exist, at a toll. The fact remains that the Q2's lens is as much as yous probably need; it is a wonderful optic so versatile, with its easy switch between AF and MF and that truly excellent macro function. It is also marvellously comfortable to focus manually if you wish.

All this serves to create an enduring niche for the Q and Q2. It is a complete, well-rounded package that will stand the exam of time. And, because of all these factors, the pct depreciation volition be much less than with most whatever other camera on the market. That'due south true even if you purchase new. But the Q has been on the market place now for nearly six years. You tin selection up a good used instance for nether £2,000, mayhap a piddling more if you lot want the protection of buying from a reputable dealer.

The Q will concord its value improve than other volume-produced Leicas. It will withal be effectually in ten years' time and is already attracting a cult following. Mark my words. The Q is probable to be the near archetype of all Leica digital classics.

Leica Q afterwards three years

More Reading

  • Leica Digilux ii
  • Leica X1
  • Leica Q
  • Leica M9
  • Leica M8
  • Leica Monochrom


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